Year end interview

2022: a challenging, unstable, yet fruitful year for rail freight

Image: Pixabay. Nick.

As 31 December approaches, and 2023 is peeking at us behind the New Year’s drop curtain, conversations at work, stores or even bars always entail a long sigh followed by the partially sad and partially joyful expression – ‘what a year it has been’. Indeed, most of us could relate to this end-of-year acknowledgement, which bears the weight of some hard months. The rail freight industry is no exception since it went through a lot -oh, this word again- challenges. Crises, a war and a pandemic were all amalgamated in 2022. Nevertheless, the industry might have gained more than it lost, but then again, this depends on one’s viewpoint. got in touch with four key industry players and asked them four questions to assess and sum up 2022 as a business year. How did companies look at it? Did they experience positive developments? What are their highlights for the old and wishes for the new year? RTSB, Rail Cargo Group, METRANS and T.H.I Logistics provided their input in this extensive interview.

Before you continue reading this article, the whole team would like to wish a very happy New Year full of joy, light and success to you, your colleagues and your family!

If you could rate 2022 from one to ten in terms of success for the rail freight industry, how would you rate it? Could you explain why this grade?

RTSB: “The whole rail freight industry has been shaken this year. Several external effects, starting with an equipment shortage in early 2022, the late pandemic influences on the producing sector and surely the situation between Russia and Ukraine, forced our market to reinvent itself. Keeping all this in mind, we would rate this past year as quite successful and give it a solid 8.”

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Author: Nikos Papatolios

Nikos Papatolios is the Chief Editor of, the online magazine for rail freight professionals.

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