Hupac standardises longer transalpine trains in 2022

Pollegio: treno commemorativo 50 anni HUPAC. Nella foto il treno HUPAC all'ingresso del tunnel AlpTransit del San Gottardo. © Ti-Press / Samuel Golay

Next year will be the starting point for the use of longer trains in Hupac’s transalpine routes. A standard train length of 690 metres via Luino in Italy and 625 metres via Chiasso in Switzerland will be the company’s benchmark for 2022. The development comes in response to the reduction of subsidies by the Swiss government. “Only with the longest and heaviest trains we will be able to absorb the upcoming marked decrease in funding. Εvery metre counts”, said Michail Stahlhut, CEO of Hupac Group.

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Author: Nikos Papatolios

Nikos Papatolios is the Chief Editor of, the online magazine for rail freight professionals.

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Hupac standardises longer transalpine trains in 2022 |

Hupac standardises longer transalpine trains in 2022

Pollegio: treno commemorativo 50 anni HUPAC. Nella foto il treno HUPAC all'ingresso del tunnel AlpTransit del San Gottardo. © Ti-Press / Samuel Golay

Next year will be the starting point for the use of longer trains in Hupac’s transalpine routes. A standard train length of 690 metres via Luino in Italy and 625 metres via Chiasso in Switzerland will be the company’s benchmark for 2022. The development comes in response to the reduction of subsidies by the Swiss government. “Only with the longest and heaviest trains we will be able to absorb the upcoming marked decrease in funding. Εvery metre counts”, said Michail Stahlhut, CEO of Hupac Group.

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Author: Nikos Papatolios

Nikos Papatolios is the Chief Editor of, the online magazine for rail freight professionals.

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