Port of Valencia: volumes may have dropped by rail freight is on the rise

Source: Port of Valencia

Rail freight in the port of Valencia has experienced a slight growth in the first half of the year, where weekly freight convoys went from 83 to 87. However, the overall volumes handled in the port might be facing a possible decrease, as shown by COSCO’s numbers about their terminal in the port.

According to the Port of Valencia, for the first half year, the containers moved by rail in the facility increased by 8 per cent on a year-on-year basis, reaching 116,792 TEUs. More trains are thus transporting products in and out of the port, but the overall volume might tell a different story. For example, COSCO’s first half-year report shows that its Spanish subsidiary COSCO Shipping Ports (Spain) Terminals is experiencing a decrease in overall volumes. The company manages various terminals in Spain and said that the facilities in the ports of Bilbao and Valencia recorded a decrease of 15,46 per cent of container volumes for the first half year compared to the same period last year.

COSCO in Spain

COSCO Shipping Ports (Spain) Terminals currently operates two maritime terminals in Valencia and Bilbao. In addition, it also operates rail terminals in Zaragoza and Madrid. The Chinese company’s Spanish subsidiary operates intermodal services, with a focus on the north-south corridor linking the port of Valencia to the port of Bilbao via the Plaza terminal in Zaragoza.

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Author: Chengfan Zhao

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