Kombiverkher partners up with Sogemar in Milan

Image: Sogemar

Kombiverkehr acquired 10 per cent of the Rail Hub Milano (RHM) terminal, owned by Sogemar, a subsidiary of Contship Group. Sogemar will maintain 90 per cent of the total shares in the terminal.

With this new partnership, Kombiverkehr will gain access to the RHM, which has a total yearly capacity of 300,000 units. Moreover, the company will be able to expand its network thanks to the various connections with many destinations from the terminal.

More Kombiverkher investments in northern Italy

With the beginning of 2023, Kombiverkehr has also taken over transshipment operations at the terminal in Mortara, 70 kilometres west of Milan. Equipped with the latest technology, the Mortara terminal has a total surface area in excess of 100,000 square metres and three transshipment platforms, each 650 metres in length.

The facility is fully accessible to electric locomotives. Loading units are transferred using up to four reach stackers, which means the terminal is already working particularly efficiently and economically today. Empty container storage services are offered for forwarding customers. Since the timetable change in December 2022, the Mortara terminal has been despatching 34 trains a week to and from Ghent, Venlo, Rotterdam and Krefeld for Kombiverkehr KG.

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Author: Marco Raimondi

Marco Raimondi is an editor of RailFreight.com, the online magazine for rail freight professionals.

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Kombiverkher partners up with Sogemar in Milan | RailFreight.com

Kombiverkher partners up with Sogemar in Milan

Image: Sogemar

Kombiverkehr acquired 10 per cent of the Rail Hub Milano (RHM) terminal, owned by Sogemar, a subsidiary of Contship Group. Sogemar will maintain 90 per cent of the total shares in the terminal.

With this new partnership, Kombiverkehr will gain access to the RHM, which has a total yearly capacity of 300,000 units. Moreover, the company will be able to expand its network thanks to the various connections with many destinations from the terminal.

More Kombiverkher investments in northern Italy

With the beginning of 2023, Kombiverkehr has also taken over transshipment operations at the terminal in Mortara, 70 kilometres west of Milan. Equipped with the latest technology, the Mortara terminal has a total surface area in excess of 100,000 square metres and three transshipment platforms, each 650 metres in length.

The facility is fully accessible to electric locomotives. Loading units are transferred using up to four reach stackers, which means the terminal is already working particularly efficiently and economically today. Empty container storage services are offered for forwarding customers. Since the timetable change in December 2022, the Mortara terminal has been despatching 34 trains a week to and from Ghent, Venlo, Rotterdam and Krefeld for Kombiverkehr KG.

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Author: Marco Raimondi

Marco Raimondi is an editor of RailFreight.com, the online magazine for rail freight professionals.

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