Translation tool aims to overcome language barrier international freight

Biasca: centro di manutenzione e intervento (CMI) delle Ferrovie Federali Svizzere. Nella foto il treno di spegnimento e di salvataggio (TSS) pronto ad intervenire in caso di bisogno all'interno della galleria di base Alptransit del Gottardo. © Keystone / Ti-Press / Gabriele Putzu

A pilot with a translating tool has to overcome the language barrier in international rail freight. Translate4Rail, a joint programme by The International Union of Railways (UIC) and RailNetEurope (RNE) developed the tool with a set of predefined messages as well as for speech-to-speech translation of communication between traffic controllers and train drivers. The Language Tool will undergo testing on the Austrian-Italian border section Villach – Tarvisio (Pontteba).

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Author: Esther Geerts

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