Euro China Train – a new era of global logistics


Transporting goods between Asia and Europe is a complicated and multi-stage process. It requires extensive experience, knowledge of international regulations and a network of reliable contacts. Safe and timely transportation of cargo directly from the sender in China to any destination in Europe is the main element of the Euro China Train project.

Intercontinental connections pose a number of challenges and difficulties. Huge distances, the need to cross many borders and the resulting congestion, as well as the time necessary to transport goods from one place to another, can cause many disruptions in the global supply chain.

However, despite all difficulties, the mutual exchange of various goods must continue uninterrupted. It has long been known that the best way to prevent any problems in long-distance transport is to diversify it. And even if each system is only as strong as its weakest link, combining different means of transport allows you to reduce many risks and save time and money.

Different means – one goal

Intermodal transport, as we are talking about it, is a flexible and effective combination of various means of transport to accomplish a specific task. This form of goods transport plays a key role in global trade and provides the opportunity to move goods on a large scale efficiently. In the context of economic relations between Europe and China, it is an important element that unites mutual expectations and ensures fast, effective and diversified deliveries.

The combination of different means of transport gives unlimited possibilities for trade between the most distant markets. In the context of relations between Europe and Asia, the greatest emphasis is placed primarily on connecting rail, road and sea routes. Thanks to the efficient development of specific procedures and actions, it was possible to shorten the product travel time to a minimum and significantly standardise international transport documents. A very important moment was the agreement resulting in the creation of the most optimal corridor through which this transport is carried out.

Image: © ADAMPOL S.A.

The New Silk Road

The creation of the New Silk Road was of enormous importance for the development of intercontinental trade. It can be safely said that the implementation of this ambitious logistics project has completely changed the issues related to the bilateral transport of goods. Not only has the speed and efficiency of deliveries increased. The situation also has a positive impact on the natural environment (reducing the carbon footprint), infrastructure development and cost optimisation.

The initiator of the creation of the New Silk Road is China, whose significant contribution to the project cannot be ignored. However, the efficient and effective functioning of the route requires coordinated cooperation of other countries and logistics operators operating on it. There is a constant need to modernise and expand the trail’s infrastructure. The construction of new railway connections will significantly increase the route’s capacity. A very important element is, among others, the railway bypass under construction at the border crossing between Kazakhstan and China. Its implementation is expected to be completed next year and will significantly improve traffic in this section.

Adampol’s Malaszewicze terminal is a critical part of their Silk Road business. Image: © ADAMPOL S.A.

Euro China Train – intermodal transport between Europe and Asia

The Euro China Train is the perfect answer to transport needs on both continents. Additionally, it is one of the flagship projects of ADAMPOL S.A. It is a regular, stable and intermodal connection between Europe and the largest terminals in China and South Korea.

“The Euro China Train was intended to be a container train, adapted to transport a wide range of cargo,” says Mateusz Frankiewicz, ECT Deputy Director. “We offer both full container transport and groupage shipments. However, the ECT product is something more. Besides rail connections, we also offer sea, road and air transport. We are able to offer each client a door-to-door service. Such a flexible approach allows us to adapt to each client’s specific needs. Thanks to this, we have virtually unlimited possibilities and can organise any type of transport.

Mateusz Frankiewicz, ECT Deputy Director. Image: © ADAMPOL S.A.

The mentioned flexibility is one of the most important advantages of the Euro China Train. Another is a holistic approach to customer needs. We do not only focus on transporting goods between continents. We support the client at every stage of this process. ECT is not so much a train as an intermodal transport service. Our containers can also easily travel on a ship or truck. Having a multitude of solutions at our disposal, we determine the best route and form of transport.

The hub of Malaszewicze

A very important point on the Euro China Train route is the Logistics Center in Małaszewicze, located in the Free Customs Zone. This is the first train stop in Poland. The local railway terminal has full infrastructure to handle cargo transports, where the first deconsolidation of arriving containers takes place. Part of the cargo then continues its journey to Western Europe or is placed on trucks. Trains leave from Małaszewicze in different directions. One of them is Gdańsk. At the local Baltic Hub terminal, containers are reloaded onto ships, from where they continue their journey by sea.

Baltic Hub terminal in the port of Gdansk. Image: © ADAMPOL S.A.

The Logistics Center in Małaszewicze has extensive storage space. The warehouses there have a total area of 20,000 m2. They can be used to store goods of various sizes, weights and degrees of sensitivity. It is a roofed, heated, monitored and protected space supervised by the Quality Control Department. An additional advantage of Euro China Train is full customs service. Our Customs Agency provides comprehensive assistance with all formalities related to transporting goods across the border. We act on behalf of our clients both in China and throughout Europe.

We offer a door-to-door delivery service. We collect the cargo directly from the sender and deliver it to the recipient. We are in contact with the customer at every stage of transport. Thanks to an extensive network of representative offices throughout Europe, each delivery is carried out quickly and smoothly.

Find more information about the Euro China Train. 


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