Spain starts two projects to boost rail freight connectivity to Zaragoza
The Spanish Ministry of Transport (MITMA) awarded two contracts for works on railway lines to Zaragoza, which are significantly important for rail freight. The first line is the Zaragoza – Teruel – Sagunto line, for which 119,6 million euros were allocated. The second one is the Zaragoza – Huesca – Canfranc line, with costs of 36 million euros.
Despite neither lines are part of the TEN-T Core Network Corridors, both lines have an international impact. The Zaragoza – Teruel – Sagunto will connect the capital of Aragon to the port of Valencia, connecting the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridors.
The Zaragoza – Huesca – Canfranc line, on the other hand, would connect Zaragoza with France through the Pyrenees. However, the situation is a little more complicated on this railway as France does not seem to be interested in reopening its section.
From Zaragoza to the port of Valencia
For the Zaragoza – Teruel – Sagunto line, which leads to the port of Valencia, the initiative will concern 45 overpasses and 19 tunnels. The contract, put out in September 2023, was now awarded to a Temporary Union of Enterprises involving Torrescámara and Compañía de Obras y Mantenimiento de Estaciones, both Spanish construction companies.
Most of the tunnels, 31, will be completely renovated. Seven more will have their structure modified and the last seven, already in disuse, will be dismantled. When it comes to the tunnels, 15 will be widened and four false tunnels will be built. In those that are longer than 100 m, rigid catenary will be installed”, MITMA specified.
The link to the Pyrenees
Regarding the Zaragoza – Huesca – Canfranc line, the works will include the implementation of singalling and telecommunications systems between Ayerbe and Canfranc. With this investment, electronic interlocking systems, train protection equipment and state-of-the-art axle counters will be installed, the Ministry said. The GSM-R radio system will also be installed. The contract was awarded to a joint venture formed by Siemens Rail Automation and Sistemas y Montajes Industriales.
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